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Wednesday 7 December 2016


  2. PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) • Holy Prophet was born in 571 A.D 22nd April ( Day__ Monday).
  3.  • Father’s name, Hazat Abdullah.
  4.  • Mother’s Name, Hazrat Amna. 
  5. • Maternal Grand Father’s name Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf.
  6.  • Maternal Grandmother, Batarah.
  7.  • Real name of Abdu Mutalib was Shaba
  8. . • Grandmother name, Fatima. 
  9.  • 10 is the number of Uncles and 6 aunts.
  10.   • Prophet journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at 12 years.
  11.  • At 25 Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija.
  12.  • Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam first in Women and in all.
  13.  • Hazrat Abu Bakar accepted first in Men.
  14.  • Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children.
  15.  • Varqa Bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time.
  16.  • Holy prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons.
  17.  • At age of 40 holy Prophet received first Wahi.
  18.  •  In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to madina.
  19.  • Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.
  20.  • Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Umme-e-Aemon is also my mother. • Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)-- Hazrat Halema (RA), Hazrat Sobia (RA) and Hazrat Khola (RA) .
  21. • How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died? Six years
  22.  • Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet.
  23.  • Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years.
  24.  • 35 was the age at the time of Hajr-i-Aswad incident.
  25.  • Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam.
  26.  • Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of prophethood.
  27.  • Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet.
  28.  • In 7th Nabvi boycott of Banu Hashim began.
  29.  • Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet on the first heaven.
  30.  • Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya on 2nd
  31. . • Hazrat Yaqub on 3rd.
  32.  • Hazrat Idrees on 4th. 
  33. • Hazrat Harron on 5th.
  34.  • Hazrat Musa on 6th.
  35.  • Hazrat Ibraheem on 7th.
  36.  • Al-Kaswa is the name of Camel on which prophet traveled.
  37.  • Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans (Sehl and Sohail).
  38.  • Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 57 Articles.
  39.  • Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd A.H (18 month).
  40.  • 27 total no of Ghazwas.
  41.  • First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan (Abwa), fought in 12th month of First Hijrah.
  42.  • Jang Badr occurred in 2 A.H. 313 Muslims fought in battle.
  43.  • No of Hadith Collected by Abu Huraira (RA) 5374.
  44.  • Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya
  45.  • Aby Ubaiduh Bin Jiirrah was entitled Ameen-ul Ummat.
  46.  • Hazrat Umar proposed Azan for the first time.
  47.  • The dome over the sacred Grave of the holy prophet is known as Gumbad-e-Khizra
  48. . • Baitul Mamur is a place where seventy thousand angles were circumambulation during the Holy Ascension.
  49.  • Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven
  50. . • 4 kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them.
  51. bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque
  52.  • The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus) 
  53. • The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma.
  54.  • Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360.
  55.  • The largest idol named Habal. 
  56. • Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer.
  57.  • The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators that their statement becomes authentic, is called Matwatar.
  58.  • The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha 
  59.  • Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.
  60.  • The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu). 
  61. • The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil. 
  62. • At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.
  63.  • Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-eQuba.
  64.  • Masjid-e-Zarar was built by Hyporcrites at Madina.
  65.  • 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam.
  66.  • The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of Makkah.  Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam.
  67.  • Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban.
  68.  • The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris.
  69.  • Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca. 
  70. • At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah.  
  72. • Umat-ul-Momineen is called to Wives of Holy prophet. 
  73. • Zainab bint Khazeema is known as Ummal Masakeen.
  74.  • Abu Bakar gave the collection of Quran to Hazrat Hafsa.
  75.  • Khadija died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi.
  76.  • Khadija was buried in Hujun above Makka 
  77. • In the Cottage of Hazrat Ayesha, prophet spent his last days.
  78.  • Khadija died at 65 years age.
  79.  • Last wife of Prophet Um Maimoona.
  80.   • Khadija belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad
  81. . • First woman to lead an Islamic army Ayesha (Jange Jamal)
  82.  • Ayesha narrated maximum number of ahadith.
  83.  • The second wife named Sauda.
  84.  • Zainub bint Jaish (Surah Ahzab) was married to the Prophet though Allah’s revelation or will. • Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was Hafsa.
  85.  • Hazrat Khadija was the first person to read Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet.
  86.  • Umm-e-Salma was alive at Karbala tragedy. She was the last of the wives of Prophet to die.
  87.  • Ummul Momineen Ummay Habiba was daughter of Abu Sufyan.

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