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Tuesday 6 December 2016

padaggy solved mcqs for educator Nts,fpsc test

1. A choice made between two or more alternative is called
B. Decision
C. Reporting
D. None
Answer is = B
2. The cash book in maintained by
Answer is = A
3. Authoritarian model is more suitable for
B. Improvement
C. Achievement
D. Discipline
Answer is = D
4. Teacher salaries and allowances collectively are written in
Cash Register
B. Acquaintance Roll
C. Contingent Register
Answer is = A
5. To motivate the other to achieve certain goals is
B. Leading
C. Controlling
D. Organizing
Answer is =B
6. A programme of activities which is designed to attain educational ends is
B. Curriculum
C. Instruction
D. Syllabi
Answer is = B
7. Superannuation retirement age in Pakistan is
60 Years
B. 65 Years
C. 75 Years
D. 80 Years
Answer is = A
8. Pension is given if the retirement is after service of
25 years
B. 30 years
C. 45 years
D. 50 years
Answer is = A
9. Person who possesses qualities of leadership is
B. Manager
C. Administrator
D. Officer
Answer is = A
10. The process of making judgment is called
B. Evaluation
C. Demonstration
D. Documentation
Answer is = B
11. The characteristics of good planner are
B. Motivator
C. Producer
D. All of them
Answer is = D
12. What does E and D Rules mean
Efficiency and duty rules
B. Efficiency and department rules
C. Efficiency and discipline rules
D. Efficiency and discipline rules
Answer is = C
13. D.P is an abbreviation of
A. Annual development programme
B. Annual duty programme
C. Annual division of performance
D. Annual debating programme
Answer is =A
14. The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few people in
B. Command
C. Decentralization
D. Centralization
Answer is =D
15. Wht is central to administration
B. Communication
C. Decision making
D. Coordination
Answer is =C
16. In POSDIR, R stands for
B. Response reply
C. Representing
D. Directing
Answer is =A
17. N.E is an abbreviation of
A. Schedule of new experience
B. Schedule of new entry
C. Schedule of new expenditure
D. System of new entry
Answer is =B
18. The level of school addminstration can best be judged through
Head teacher
B. Beautiful building
C. Learning out comes
D. Teachers students relations
Answer is = C
19. Acquittance roll is used for
Salary disbursement
B. Stock
C. Govt . grants
D. Expenditures
Answer is =A
20. The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is
B. Efficiency
C. Out put
D. Production
Answer is = B
21. All transaction should be enterd in which register
B. Cash
C. Funds
D. With drawl
Answer is = B
22. Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of
B. Inspection
C. Supervision
D. Management
Answer is =B
23. The concept of inspection was first introduced in
B. India
C. England
D. China
Answer is = C
24. Budgeting is an estimation of
Income and investment
B. Investment
C. Income and expenditure
D. All of the above
Answer is = C
25. The authorized person of staff performance is
B. Head teacher
C. Student
D. Clerk
Answer is =B
26. Informal education is ?
Just schooling
b. Tine bound
c. Life long
d. Preplanned
Answer is = c
27. What is the most important element of non formal education ?
b. Student
c. Media
d. School
Answer is = c
28. Which one is not the source of formal education ?
b. Museum
c. Library
d. Home
Answer is = d
29. Informal education is ?
b. Incidental
c. Systematic
d. Arranged
Answer is = b
30. Formal education has well defined ?
b. System
c. Method
d. Approach
Answer is = a
31. Which is not the element of educational process?
b. Curriculum
c. Evaluation
d. Motivation
Answer is = d
32. The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is?
b. Curriculum
c. Pedagogy
d. Summative evaluation
Answer is = b
33. Pedagogy is concerned with ?
b. Content
c. Teaching Methods
d. Evaluation
Answer is = c
To determine the value or worth of anything is?
a. Aim
b. Content
c. Teaching Methods
d. Evaluation
Answer is = c
34. In education process which one is evaluated ?
b. Content
c. Methods
d. All of the above
Answer is = d
35. The literal meaning of philosophy is ?
Love of knowledge
b. Love of truth
c. Love of values
d. Love of wisdom
Answer is = d
36. Axiology in philosophy deals with ?
b. Reality
c. Values
d. Culture
Answer is = c
37. Epistemology deals with ?
b. Reality
c. Values
d. Culture
Answer is = a
38. Ontology deals with ?
b. Reality
c. Values
d. Culture
Answer is = b
Ontology is also called as ?
a. Metaphysics
b. Axiology
c. Ontology
d. Morphology
Answer is = a
39. Metaphysics deals with the nature of ?
b. Knowledge
c. Universe
d. Reality
Answer is = d
40. Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from ?
One philosophy
b. Two philosophies
c. Three philosophy
d. Different philosophies
Answer is = d
41. “Everlasting reality” is focused in ?
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = a
42. Useful culture and skill is emphasized in ?
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = b
43. Life is coutinuous changing process is the best ?
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = c
“Reforms are necessary in all walks of life” is focused in ?
a. Perennialism
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = d
44. Study of great books is at the core of ?
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = b
45. Who is not among major exponent of perennialism ?
b. Adler
c. Hutchins
d. John dewey
Answer is = d
46. School should be run on democratic lines is held by ?
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = c
47. The number of domains in taxonomies of educational objective is
(a) Tow
(b) Three
(c) Five
(d) Six
Answer is = b
48. The highest level of cognitive domain is
(a) Synthesis
(b) Analysis
(c) Comprehension
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = d
49. The process of determing the value or worth of anything is
(a) Test
(b) Measurement
(c) Assessment
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = d
50. Educational objectives have been divide into
(a) Two domains
(b) Three domains
(c) Four domains
(d) Five domains
Answer is = b
51. Taxonomy of educational objectives was presented in
(a) 1946
(b) 1956
(c) 1966
(d) 1976
Answer is = b
52. The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(b) Skinner
(c) Krathwhol
(d) Simpson
Answer is = a
53. Cognitive domain have
(a) Three subgroups
(b) Four subgroups
(c) Five subgroups
(d) Six subgroups
Answer is = d
54. The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is
(a) Comprehension
(b) Application
(c) Knowledge
(d) Synthesis
Answer is = c
55. The highest level of learning in cognitive domain is
(a) Evaluation
(b) Synthesis
(c) analysis
(d) Application
Answer is = a
56. The right sequence of subgroups cognitive domain is
(a) Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis, analysis, Evaluation
(b) Knowledge, Comprehension, application, Evaluation, analysis, Synthesis
(c) Knowledge, Comprehension, Evaluation, application, Analysis, Syntesis
(d) Knowledge, Comprehension, application, analysis, Synthesis Evaluation
Answer is = d
57. Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is concerned with
(a) Cpmprehension
(b) Application
(c) Knowledge
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = c
58. To grasp the meaning of the material is
(a) Comprehension
(b) Applicatin
(c) Knowledge
(d) Synthysis
Answer is = a
59. To use previous learned material in new situation is
(a) Comprehension
(b) Application
(c) Knowledge
(d) analysis
Answer is = b
60. To break down material into component parts to know its organizational structure is
(a) Comprehension
(b) application
(c) Analysis
(d) Synthesis
Answer is = c
61. To put ideas together to form a new whole is
(a) Evaluation
(b) Synthesis
(c) Analysis
(d) Application
Answer is = b
62. To know the worth or value of material is
(a) Analysis
(b) Application
(c) Knowledge
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = d
63. The intellectual skills are reflected by
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) affective domain
(c) Psychomotor
(d) None of above
Answer is = a
64. Attitudes, values and interests are reflected by
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Affective Domain
(c) Psychomotor Domain
(d) None of above
Answer is = b
65. Which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills?
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Affective Domain
(c) Psychomotor domain
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
66. The focus of cognitive domain is
(a) Physical and Motor skills
(b) Intellectual Skills
(c) Attitudes and Interests
(d) None of above
Answer is = b
67. The affective domain was classified by
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(b) Simpson
(c) Krathwhol
(d) Burner
Answer is =c
68. Affective domain is divided into
(a) four subgroups
(b) Five subgroups
(c) Six subgroups
(d) seven subgroups
Answer is = b
69. The lowest level of learning in affective domain is
(a) Responding
(b) Valuing
(c) Attending
(d) Organization
Answer is = c
70. Which is placed at the highest level of learning in affective domain
(a) Attending
(b) Responding
(c) Organization
(d) Characterization
Answer is = d
71. Right order of sub- groups of affective domain is
(a) Attending, Responding, Valuing, characterization, Organization
(b) attending, Responding, Characterization, Valuing, Organization
(c) Attending, Valuing, Responding, Organization, Characterization
(d) Attending, Responding, Valuing, Organization, Characterization
Answer is = d
72. Willingness to attend to particular phenomenon is
(a) Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = a
73. Which sub- group of affective domain focuses on active participation in
(a)Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = b
74. Bringing together different values into a comsistent value system is
(a) Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = d
75. Affective domain focuses on adoption of a value system as a part of life style in
(a) Responding
(b) Valuing
(c) Organization
(d) Characterization
Answer is = d
76. Psychomotor domain was classified by Simpson in
(a) 1962
(b) 1972
(c) 1982
(d) 1992
Answer is = b
77. Affective domain was divided into subgroups by Krathwhol in
(a) 1954
(b) 1964
(c) 1974
(d) 1984
Answer is = b
78. Psychomotor domain was divided by Simpson in
(a) Four subgroups
(b) Five subgroups
(c) Six subgroups
(d) Seven subgroups
Answer is = d
79. The Characteristic of behavioral objective is
(a) Observable and Immeasurable
(b) Non- observable
(c) Observable and measurable
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
80. The right sequence of sub-groups of psychomotor domain is
(a) Perception, Set, Guided response, Mechanism, Complex overt response, adaptation, Origination
(b) Perception, Complex over response, Set, Guided, response, Mechanism, adaptation, Organization
(c) Set, Origination, Guided response, Mechanism Complex overt response, Adaptation, perception
(d) Guided response, Mechanism, perception, Set, Adaptation, Organization, Complex overt response
Answer is = a
81. Objective related to affective domain is
(a) Student can paint a picture
(b) Student can draw a graph
(c) Student values honesty
(d) Student can write a letter
Answer is = c
82. Bring together scientific ideas to form a unique idea is
(a) Application
(b) analysis
(c) Synthesis
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = c
83. Which is vast in scope
(a) Teaching tactic
(b) Teaching Technique
(c) Teaching Strategy
(d) Teaching Method
Answer is = c
84. Students find/explore the in formations themselves in
(a) lecture method
(b) Discovery method
(c) Both
(d) none
Answer is = b
85. Teacher performs practically and explains in
(a) Lecture method
(b) discovery method
(c) demonstration method
(d) Problem solving method
Answer is = c
86. Role of student is active in
(a) Discover method
(b) Problem solved method
(c) Inquiry method
(d) All above
Answer is = d
87. Micro teacher is a
(a) Teacher method
(b) Teaching training technique
(c) Motivational technique
(d) none of above
Answer is = b
88. What is the tie of presentation in Micro teaching?
(a) 1-5 min
(b) 5-10 min
(c) 10-15 min
(d) 15-20 min
Answer is = b
89. What is the No of students in micro teaching?
(a) 1-5
(b) 5-10
(c) 10-15
(d) 15-20
Answer is = b
90. Micro teaching started in
(a) 1950
(b) 1960
(c) 1970
(d) 1980
Answer is = b
91. 91 Micro teaching focuses on the competency over
(a) Method
(b) Skills
(c) Contents
(d) None of above
Answer is = b
92. Which is more suitable in teaching of science?
(a) Lecture method
(b) demonstration method
(c) Discussion method
(d) Project method
Answer is = d
93. Which one is exception?
(a) Books
(b) Magazine
(c) Diagrams
(d) T.V
Answer is = d
94. Which is not included in print media?
(a) Books
(b) Magazine
(c) Diagrams
(d) T.V
Answer is = d
95. How many senses a person uses while observing film?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Answer is = b
96. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of seeing?
(a) 75%
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = a
97. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of listening?
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = b
98. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of touch?
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = c
99. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of smell?
(a) 75%
(b) 13%
(d) 3%
Answer is = d
100. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of taste?
(b) 13%
(c) 6%
(d) 3%
Answer is = d

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